Friday, May 23, 2008

Free Gas

I just browsed over the Yahoo featured articles today, as usual, and I happened to come upon something new, but not entirely surprising. It seems that many companies are going to give away free gas in order to get you to buy at their store, go to their hotel, or whatever.

It seems pretty fascinating to me how this is going to work more than most money offers. The average person is going to look at this offer and see "Free Gas". Immediately after, they will think, "I need that," and then proceed to do whatever they need to in order to obtain such an offer.

However, if one really does think about it, if I gave you a slogan to say "Free 5 dollars", that could very well mean the same thing as "Free Gas". Now, I am not going to bash these slogans because myself, just like every other average person in the US right now, really does not like this predicted $4 a gallon that should be coming up. However, I hope this will get you thinking that there may be a better offer out there that will give you "Free Gas" that isn't exactly labeled that way.

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